Fine points are more than sufficient. Newer version not necessary if you are truly interested in working Topo maps. I would wait a few more years before upgrade.
Rangeroverthe title says it all- you have to use this for Garmin (if I am wrong please tell me so I can buy a in tears else) but, it is only marginal. Not very up to date or meticulous. i have been very very disappointed.
sactown diyerIf you be going to to use this produce to stay on off road trails, don't waste your time. The maps are so out of date it's not funny. Real roads that have existed for over 20 being dont even show on the map. Don't waste your money.
W. A. BellI've been using a GPS for kayaking and hiking in parks and forests for about 4 months now. At the start I tried responsibility each endeavor lacking the topo software. Then with it. Big variation!The GPS (Garmin's 76CX, which I reflect is exceptional) has a basemap that is close to worthless. A few major highways, basic mountains, rivers and oceans, and not much else. Lacking the topo I found myself kayaking across solid land which was rather disconcerting.The topo software does have its limitations, as others have noted. It's USGS based, and probably has not been simplified in 20-30 being. It's 1:100,000 scale so it doesn't have most trails, and a lot of campgrounds are missing. Fine points like the exact dimensions of islands, the house of shorelines, etc. (stuff that can change in 20-30 being of storms and whatnot) are not reasonably strict.BUT, it's a vast improvement over the basemap. I also can take additional maps, such as those that inhabitant parks give out screening trails or scull routes, and start an uploadable route on the topo software which is sweet true. It takes a little bit of time and try, but I've done it over and over again, and it's of large financial support.There are also some nice benefits to having the topo contours void. e.g. I had planned on responsibility a fastidious trail up in a Canadian park, and when I saw what the topo software showed (3000+ feet of elevation gain in 3 miles) I planning double.The software also allows one to download tracks from the GPS, and save them for future use. I've done so, showed them to my kayaking/hiking buddies, and it's fun for me and them to see everywhere we've been, and get a better feel for the lay of the land/fill up that we've traversed.The software citations is not the greatest, but then I haven't found the hardware manuals from Garmin to be fantastic any. I have two of their GPS units, and from just fiddling almost with them for 5-10 minutes respectively had figured out about 90% of what I needed to know. Whatever faults Garmin has, they do make very intuitive stuff. The same can be said for the topo software. About 5 minutes of playing almost with it and I knew enough of how to use it. I'm sure there's lot of facial appearance in it that I haven't discovered. But, what I know is sufficient to get far better use of the GPS now.I'll also bring up that though the scale is large, it does card a tremendous amount of maps to be put in to a small card. I reflect the entire east coast of the US took maybe 100-200 megs of memory. The entire public of Canada only takes 1.9 gb, and some of that is in 1:50K (a different software CD).So, overall, it's not perfect. What is? But it's a big step forward in building the GPS' far more practical and helpful.
GC0110I found this manufactured goods to be very easy to use, and load into my GPS. It is reasonably detailed, I don't know more than I probable. I irregularly occur across either errors, in path placement, or in approximately cases it austerely isn't up-to-date. Though, this is not common sufficient to be a major come forth for me. For the money, I am joyful I purchased this. It guaranteed makes my GPS more helpful. It is not as detailed as the USGS maps, but, not bad!
C. BarstowLoads of people be inflicted with complained in this vicinity the inaccuracies and lack of top with the intention of Garmin's Topo software provides, However, I am completely satisfied with this product.It has extra than adequate top pro my climbing and mountain biking desires, and provides a ton of additional roadways over the basemap. Those of you who just intend on getting by with your basemap don't admit what you're gone!If you intend on responsibility a ration of out of disorder journey you would be sensible to also invest in Garmin's City Navigator software which places extra emphasis on maps of major metro areas.The software is a delight to aid, requiring modest try to pretend maps onto a water supply-matched GPS. Also, Mapsource Topo does not demand an unlock be fond of additional Garmin harvest, just bed in and go!
D. GroesbeckThis item includes topo maps for each inch of impose a curfew in the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii, and you can choose to load them into your notebook in managable portions- you don't have to load the whole thing, which is great, especially if your storage interval is limited. And with trip and waypoint administrator, effective with the map and loading only what you need and want onto your Garmin GPS is a shatter! The only downside: You bombard out for topos of the full US whether you need/want them or not.
Patty B.After I received the mapping software for my Venture CX I downloaded the latest updates for the plot and my GPS. I was disappointed to find that several foremost freeway improvements were missing starting the plot. The Interstate 494 bridge across the Mississippi River and 4 miles of Interstate 35E are missing. These improvements were completed many being ago. It makes you wonder what moreover is missing. Also, I be in this planet in Minnesota which is on the border of the US East and US West maps. As moving around the plot, the software causes you to keep switching the CD's in the drive. Very irritating! I was able to imitation both CD's to my tricky drive and alter the window's registry to look in that folder for both sets of files. No more switching or using the CD's. That was great! Other than the missing roads I am very happy with the mapping software. It straightforward for me to aid and I am a initially time user of this category of software.
M. OsbergAlthough not as fussy of topos as I would like, it is passable to show the relief here in Colorado or Utah. Broken into sections, some less important or better, presumably based on the number of points de rigueur to mark out the contours, rivers, etc. My garmin rinos have plenty of memory to hold more topo info than you could ever need in one conference.The rino regularly gets an incorrect datapoint or breaks the send into multiple pieces when in chasm or monumental territory. It's nice to be able to delete totally misbehaving points to map out how far you in fact went and accurately depict a send, save it, etc. but it's still irritating that it doesn't seem to have a way to establish the fragments back collectively.You can save a visual (tiff I mediate) image of the topo with a send on it suitable for printing or emailing. Although servicable, this is not the tool's strong point. It would be nice if it had best printing / publishing capabilities for documenting routes or just having a endorsement or more well-located large in black and white map to refer to instead of a tiny modest screen on a rino.It would also be nice if it had a way to save send or waypoint data in an open text based csv type plan. I don't get the impression that import/export is a capability of this software... it's garmin point but at smallest amount you can save equipment.One question I had was about how to merge waypoints or routes from two different sessions or units with the software and it's not clear how well this will work. I did deal with to pull a send out of a rino, load in different maps into the rino with the first send, but this is a cumbersome way to try to merge data.In conclusion, the software is servicable and well value the price. The data seems reasonably true (I regularly see gps elevations hundreds of feet different from real on potholed territory) but not necessarily actually current (like if a river or road changes routes or names). You'll likely still want additional software or maps for send planning or as endorsement.
Mike HaywardI have establish this to be a great product. I have used it extensively for Geocaching with great results. It has saved me a lot of time and driving while incisive for Geocaches. I also use it for laying made known and checking trails for the Bureau of Forestry in my disorder. I for one am joyful I purchased this product. I won't be lacking it in any of my Garmin GPS'S
G. LOCKEY "George1"
Garmin MapSource TOPO! 2006 U.S. Map CD-ROM (Windows) Plan your next outdoor adventure including the help of MapSource United States TOPO CD-ROM. This CD contains digital topographic maps for the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii that are akin to the U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000-scale paper maps. Trip and waypoint management functions Highways, roads, climbing trails, snowmobile trails, rough people trails, elevation contours, point elevations, summits, some bathymetric contours, geographic names, churches, and schools Shoreline point for lakes, reservoirs, small bodies of water, waterways, rivers, and streams Icons representing boat ramps, dams, marinas, campgrounds, public facilities, mile markers, first-aid stations, picnic, swimming, and ski areas, wrecks, fuel, and shifty and restricted areas Marine navaids for the 50 states including radiobeacons, RACONs, and fog signals; shipping canal, haven, and additional lights; and day beacons and lighted and unlighted buoys Wrecks and obstructions--such as shipwrecks, sodden rocks, obstructions, and additional hazards to marine steering