Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mexican Sign Language/American Sign Language Translator 2 Purchaser Review

I am an Well ahead Certified ASL interpreter, I am majoring in Spanish so I genuinely planning that this would be a good resource to learn Mexican Sign Foreign language, MSL, even if the ASL signs are not what they seem... they are loosely based on Signed Exact English(which is a signing logic not a foreign language) which makes me doubt the legality of the MSL signs. I will be trying out some of these on a trip to Mexico soon, so I may be changing my assess but as of now I would say this isn't a good way to learn MSL.
- Justin Lee

More info, please click here..

Mexican Sign Language/American Sign Language Translator 2

The Mexican Sign Language/American Sign Language Translator computer program instantly translates any of 1955 words between four languages--Mexican Sign Language (video), American Sign Language (video), Spanish (text), and English (text). Choose a word from the lists in either language or type it yourself, and the other three languages immediately appear. This product is a great way for deaf people to learn a foreign signed and spoken language. It also is a wonderful tool for examination Spanish-speaking parents whose deaf children are culture ASL to communicate and impart their culture. School and social service personnel can use it to help communicate including Spanish-speaking parents of deaf students or clients.

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